Highlands Business Partnership
Board of Director's Annual Meeting
March 11, 2002
Henry Hudson Regional High School
Grand Tour
Highlands, NJ   07735

Election - HBP Vacant Board of Directors

HBP has two vacant commercial property owner seats and three vacant business operator seats on the Board of Directors.  The final slate of candidates are comprised of Frederick Rosiak, Captain Cove Marina, Washington Street and Michael Kovic, 111 Bay Avenue, candidates for the two (2)  vacant commercial property owner seats on the Board of Directors.  The final slate of candidates for the three (3) vacant business operators are Carla Braswell, ShoreGrafx, Inc., Internet Services, 140 Bay Avenue; Kathy Armstrong, Cottrell's Lobsters & Fish Market, 18 Shrewsbury Avenue; Mary Jo Urbanski*, Johnny U's Towing, 70 Shrewsbury Avenue (*replacing William Garcia who resigned 2/17/02).

At 7:00 p.m. registered HBP members began the check-in process at the Henry Hudson High School Library.  After check-in participants in the election cast votes until 7:30 p.m., (depending upon the number of commercial properties and business operations as outlined in the HBP bylaws.  Twenty ballots were cast by participating members.  Ballot results were tallied by Kathy Shaw, Business Advocate.  Election results are:  Fredric Rosiak, and Michael Kovic, three-year commercial property owner terms that will expire March 2005.  Carla Braswell, ShoreGrafx, Inc., Kathy Armstrong, Cottrell's Lobsters & Fish Market, Mary Jo Urbanski, Johnny U's Towing, three-year business operator terms that will expire March 2005. 

At 7:45 p.m. the annual meeting was called to order by Lynn Hunter, President and opening remarks were made by Lynn Hunter, President and Carla Braswell, Vice President.  The BID Ordinance amendment was adopted March 20, 2002, which changes the language and definition of commercial properties included in the district, as well as the schedule of block, lot and address of each commercial property included in the district.  The Borough Tax Assessor reviewed all commercial properties in order to verify that all properties included in the district were classified as commercial property class 4A, or a property containing five or more units.  Upon completion of the Borough's review, HBP will prepare a HBP Budget for 2002.  As data was not available for the annual meeting the 2002 budget will be forwarded to the Board of Directors at a later date.  HBP Accomplishments 2001 were distributed to the Board at the January 2002 Regular Board meeting, which highlighted the marketing investment and return the was received through the efforts of Allen Consulting, Inc.  For the period of April 2000 through April 2001 (12 months) and the period of May, 2001 through December 2001 (7 months) a total period of 19 months there were $40,000 in professional expenses, $47,249 in cash revenue and $30,250 in barter services.  This investment in promoting Highlands as a destination expanded our annual budget in excess of $47,000 in cash revenue and leveraged further promotion through barter services from COMCAST, BarterPays!, WJLK Radio, and NY Fast Ferry.  The leveraging of private sponsorship, event income and barter investments in Highlands as a destination is one of the strongest rolls HBP has played in the community.  A total of $77,490 marketing revenue was generated through the professional management of  ACI, and the Marketing Committee to the $82,403 annual budget of HBP during our first 19 months of operation.  Sylvia Allen, ACI reported that the calendar of events 2002 will kick off with the Seaport Craft Show on Memorial Day weekend.  Crafters will display and sell their unique juried items and Highlands' restaurants will be featured on a display at Huddy Park to guide visitors to our famous restaurants.

Clam Fest 2002 will host Highlands' Orleans, Lusty Lobster, Chilangos and The Parrot, along with other food vendors.  Though HBP's NJ Tourism Grant, 140,000 Highlands' brochures will be placed on the NY Throughway along with a host of key tourism locations for visitors.

Lynn Hunter acknowledged Carla Braswell and Joan Wicklund's assistance during the last few months, as Lynn was ill and unable to participate as frequently.  Patti Baxter, Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce shared her comments with the Board.  Patti commented that HBP had undertaken a incredible amount of tasks to improve Highlands and she has met so many dedicated volunteers and business leaders.  Our team work to promote Highlands and the Bayshore Region in Northern Monmouth County will take us to new heights in the future.  The 2001 concert series, in partnership with Seastreak America and HBP board member David Stafford, was a great success and anticipated once again this 2002 summer season.    

Meeting Attendance:

            4  =  present               x  =  absent      R  =  resigned

(17 voting Members)

K. Armstrong    4                     K. Lustig          4         M. Urbanski      X

C. Braswell       4                     H. Moyer         4         J. Wicklund       X

L. Cartaya        4                     R. Mumford      4                                

B. Duncan        X                      S. Ruby           4         Non-Voting Members (5)

L. Hunter          4                     F. Rosiak         X ill       P. Baxter          4 NMCOC

K. James          X ill                   D. Stafford       X ill       J. Flimlin           X Rutgers

J. Koenig         4                     J. Tedesco        4         T. Laverty         X  Twin Lights             

M. Kovic           4                                                        L. Novick          X Brookdale

                                                                                  R. Sheridan      X  GPU Energy

50% of 17 plus 1 = quorum
10 members = quorum
11 members present

Also present Sylvia Allen, ACI, Marketing Consultant, Kathy Shaw, HBP Business Advocate      

Nominations for 2002 Officers at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors was opened by
Lynn Hunter.


Joan Wicklund nominated Carla Braswell for President - motion second by Lynn Hunter 
There being no further nominations from the floor a motion to close nominations was made by Joan Wicklund - second by Lynn Hunter

Vice President:

John Koenig nominated Lynn Hunter for Vice President - motion second by Joan Wicklund
There being no further nominations from the floor a motion to close nominations was made by Joan Wicklund - second by Carla Braswell


Sherry Ruby nominated Mary Jo Urbanski for Treasurer - motion second by John Tedesco
There being no further nominations from the floor a motion to close nominations was made by Carla Braswell - second by John Koenig


Kathy Armstrong nominated Joan Wicklund for Secretary - motion second by John Tedesco
There being no further nominations from the floor a motion to close nominations was made by Kathy Armstrong - second by Carla Braswell

A motion for a vote of one to cast Secret Ballots by all Board members present

HBP Officers elected by the 2002 Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting:

Carla Braswell, ShoreGrafx, Inc. - President
Lynn Hunter, Clam Hut Restaurant - Vice President
Mary Jo Urbanski, Johnny U's Towing - Treasurer
Joan Wicklund, Sand Dollar Card & Gift - Secretary

Meeting Open to the Public:  8:00 p.m.
No public comment

Acceptance of Minutes January 28, 2002 Regular Meeting of the HBP Board of Directors

A motion to accept the minutes was offered by K. Armstrong, second by J. Wicklund.  No further discussion of the minutes the minutes were approved by all board members present, with Lynn

Hunter abstaining.  The minutes were accepted as submitted and will be posted on the Web and maintained with HBP records.

Treasurer's Report/Income Statement

Submitted by the Executive Committee the income statement contains $48,055.02 total liabilities and capital.  Total Assets  ($4,046.52 in checking account and $44,008.50 in the money market account as of  January 31, 2002)  The income statement was provided to all Board members.  William Garcia resigned February 17, 2002 as Board member and Treasurer due to increased business and personal demands.  Preparation of the annual audit and organization of financial records have been prepared for Wiss & Co. to audit the 2001 financial records and prepare the tax return.  During the January 2002 Board meeting the Board approved soliciting quotes for a professional accountant to review the financial program and complete journal entries to prepare the financial records for the annual audit.  Carla Braswell as authorized obtained three quotes.  Financial services were provided at a total cost of $250.  The Board commented that this was a modest expense to ensure that the statements are in order and should continue on a quarterly basis in the future.  There were no questions regarding the Treasurer's Report.  A motion was made by Lynn Hunter, second by Kathy Armstrong with special thanks to Carla Braswell for all her extra work and effort to ready the financial records.  All Board members present voted in favor to accept all financial reports into HBP records.

Annual Report 2001 and Summary of HBP Objectives 2002
Committee Reports

Reports were available at the Annual Meeting and from the Website www.highlandsnj.com.  The summary of information was accepted by the Board and provided to the Council and Planning Board members.  Highlights for the HBP Objectives for 2002 include Visual Improvements in Huddy Park electric, streetscape plantings, continuation of the expansion of the marketing program including direct marketing coupons and visitor guide/coupon books at all 2002 events.  Smart Growth continues to be a challenge to promote business recruitment and provide a stable process for board review at the municipal level.  Roger Mumford suggested working with a planner that could serve to facilitate a process of undertaking a "Vision Plan" to act as the foundation for future re-development.  Sherry Ruby, Planning Board Representative will serve to coordinate the start-up of an ad-hoc Borough/HBP work group.  The State Office of Planning continues to be reorganized and there is no word on the Smart Growth Strategic Revitalization Plan Application.  HBP pledge to match $3,000, one half of the required local match, along with the Borough.  Kathy Shaw, HBP Business Advocate continues to work with the Office of State Planning and the County on the status of the application.  All efforts by governing body members, local legislators will assist in letting the state know how important this planning efforts is to HBP's and the Borough's efforts in business recruitment.

Committee Reports:

VIC - Kathy Armstrong

q      Banner program has invited all of Highlands businesses to have marketing opportunity; the outside will be solicited

q      Electric conditions in Veteran's, Ederly and Huddy have been reviewed with electrician, CIV Committee will address at April meeting.

q      Clean Communities Funding not available $10,000 funding lost for maintenance of following areas:

q      Bridge Embankment Area
q      Veteran's Park nine planters
q      Cornwell Park Planter
q      Highway Sign
q      Huddy Park and litter removal
q      Mulch replacement
q      Herbicide applications
q      Plant replacement

q      Property Maintenance District #8 Shore Drive from Atlantic Highlands border to Bridge


q      Coupon Deadline April 1 for printing and distribution for May to summer events

q      Bike Tour - Sandy Hook approved use at site for 2002

q      Sweet Hearts Ad - Coupon Winner used for tracking Valentine's Day very busy in Highlands

q      Two advertorials planned June (Clam) September (Bike/Octoberfest)

q      NY State rack cards

q      Calendar of Events mailed out with tax bills

Economic Development:

q      Outlet stores inquiry references - financial investment

q      New business owners:  Orleans, Annette's Diner

Business Advocate

q      Highway sign electric/spot light replacement upgrade/replacement $800

q      Signs for events ordered/installed in sequence

q      Web signs for Bridge and E. Pointe Plaza Highway signs

q      Mailings for election

q      Meeting with John Tedesco every other week next meting March

q      Gamin License in process under HBP name not Farmers' Market (Charitable Registration)

Committee New Business:

q      Bike racks need to be installed at ferry landings

q      Fences along Bay Avenue surrounding trees need to be removed to promote consistency

q      Twenty new trees arriving the end of March - coordination with John Tedesco to ready installation by Monmouth County Shade Tree Commission.

q      Roger Mumford recommended the equipment be rented to complete, as Borough has broken equipment that would be used for installation.  Rental is inexpensive and save the Borough from owning equipment that they seldom use.

q      Roger Mumford and Sherry Ruby to address long-range planning committee to report to council.

q      Monmouth Hills was billed for debris removal from run-off situation into Jones Creek


Management services contract expires in April 2002 and will be deferred to the attention of the HBP Executive Committee for review and action. A motion was made by Carla Braswell, second by John Tedesco to defer to the Executive Committee the review of the management services agreement, provided that a Board e-mail, phone or fax vote will be provided to the Board upon their review and prior to action to approve the contract.  All in favor the motion was carried.

NMCC Crystal Beacon Awards 2002 - advertise HBP calendar of Events and congratulations to David Stafford, our fellow Board member on Seastreak USA Good Neighbor Award.
A motion was made by J. Wicklund, second by C. Braswell to take a $100 full page ad in the Award journal including the 2002 Calendar of Events and good wishes to David Stafford, Seastreak.  All in favor the motion was carried.

HBP VIC (former Grant funded Clean Communities) Public Space Clean Up Project and Electric.
Not to exceed $10,000 ($5,000 for two public area clean ups and $5,000 for Huddy Park Electric)

Background:  The State funded since 1993 a Clean Communities Program that Highlands developed into a public area litter and debris removal, herbicide application and mulch program for several key entrance points into Highlands.  The Shrewsbury River Bridge Embankment, Veteran's Park, Huddy Park, Linden Avenue Highway Sign and Cornwall Street Planters.  A scope of services was provided to licensed professionals to provide a quote for clean up and maintenance of these Borough public areas. Business Partnership.  In excess of $9,000 in grant funding for these  Borough public area clean-ups has been eliminated by the state for 2002.  HBP proposed through the VIC Committee to continue this public area clean-up and maintenance project, as it has a major impact on the visual appearance of Highlands.  Two clean-ups not to exceed $5,000 are proposed.  The Borough will evaluate adding to the  2002/2003 fiscal year budget an allocation to complete one more fall clean-up of these public areas.  The Leo Club has stepped forwarded, according to John Tedesco, to maintain Veteran's Park nine planters in the front area of the park.  Through this investment, the gateways and entrance areas of Highlands will be maintained, landscaped and debris and litter free as the first point of entry into Highlands.

A motion was made by J. Koenig, second by C. Braswell,  to provide a "not to exceed budget", in the amount of $10,000,  for the electric project and public area clean up - and to proceed to follow up with the Borough to fund one fall public area clean-up through the 2002/2003 budget.  All in favor the motion carried.

Old Business: none to report
New Business: none to report

Executive Session

The meeting was called to order 9:24 p.m. by Carla Braswell, President. Committee for future action.  Litigation and pending appeal case was reviewed with the Board by Kathy Shaw, HBP Business Advocate and Carla Braswell, President.  A summary time line was prepared for the Board to recap the events that have taken us to this point in the appeal process.  The next steps were outlined:  briefs have been filed in Appellate Court; the appeal is scheduled in the spring 2002 or if not heard in the spring it will be deferred until fall (no cased during summer months); HBP payments for the appeal have been made through March 2002 with the total amount $11,535.00.  What is at risk was also outlined in a handout to the Board.  The August 13, 2001 summary of action and vote was included in the meeting package.  This action authorized HBP to share in the unpaid balance of legal bills, stemming from the litigation and HBP agreed to pay all costs associated with the legal appeal.  All HBP financial records are maintained at ShoreGrafx Office as information to the Board.  There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by M. Kovic, second by Carla Braswell with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.

Next regular Meeting of the Board of Directors is August 12, 2002

Minutes submitted by Kathy Shaw, HBP Business Advocate 5/13/02